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Join or Renew
Your Membership in the
Swiss American Historical Society

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Individual Membership

$75 in North America

CHF 75 overseas

Student Membership

$35 in North America

Please contact Membership Secretary:

Ernest Thurston in North America


Kurt Morf overseas


Institutional Membership

$115 in North America
$120 / CHF 120 overseas

Please contact Membership Secretary:

Ernest Thurston in North America


Kurt Morf overseas


Use the above to make a donation beyond your membership to SAHS. Donations will be used to support speakers at annual meetings, outreach, grants to history students, publications, and public programming. No amount is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

​$75 annual individual membership - (or CHF 75)

$35 annual student membership 

$115 annual institutional membership - (or CHF 120)

$750 individual lifetime membership - (or CHF 750)​

(1)  Please fill out either the new member form or the renewal form

 -THEN -

(2a)  Use the appropriate PayPal button above to pay 

(2b)  Send a check payable to "SAHS" at the address below. 



c/o Ernie Thurston

65 Town Mountain Road

Asheville, NC 28804


In Switzerland / Europe​

c/o Kurt Morf




Benefits of Membership:

- Three issues of the Swiss American Historical Society Review

 - A free copy of any book published in that year

 - Newsletters

 - Special invitations to the annual meeting and activities of the SAHS

2018-2025 by Swiss-American Historical Society. Webmasters Richard Hacken and Brian Wages. Proudly created with

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