Promoting Swiss-American Studies since 1927

Coming in Spring 2025!
1) Prominent Americans of Swiss Origins: A Compilation Prepared by the Swiss American Historical Society. (New York: James T. White, 1932).
2) John Paul von Grüningen, ed. The Swiss in the United States. (Madison, Wisconsin: Swiss American Historical Society, 1940).

3) Alfred Senn, ed., The Swiss Record. Yearbook of the Swiss-American Historical Society. Vol. I. (Madison, Wisconsin, 1949).
4) Alfred Senn, ed., The Swiss Record. Yearbook of the Swiss-American Historical Society. Vol. II. (Madison, Wisconsin, 1950).

5) Heinz K. Meier, ed., Memoirs of a Swiss Officer in the American Civil War. [Rudolf Aschmann, 1841-1909]. Translated by Hedwig Rappolt. (Bern, Switzerland: Herbert Lang, 1972).
6) Heinz K. Meier, The Swiss American Historical Society, 1927 – 1977. (Norfolk, Virginia: Donning, 1977).
7) Paul A. Nielson, Swiss Genealogical Research: An Introductory Guide. (Virginia Beach/Norfolk, Virginia: Donning, 1979).

8) Carol Williams, The Switzers - A Novel. (Virginia Beach/Norfolk, Virginia: Donning, 1981).
9) Hedwig Rappolt, ed. and transl. An American Apprenticeship: The Letters of Emil Frey, 1860–1865. (New York: Peter Lang, 1986).

10) David Sutton, One’s Hearth Is Like Gold: A History of Helvetia, West Virginia. (New York: Peter Lang, 1990).
11) Leo Schelbert, ed., The United States and Switzerland: Aspects of an Enmeshment. Vol. 25: Yearbook of German American Studies. (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, 1991).
12) Laura R. Villiger and Mari Sandoz. A Study in Post-Colonial Discourse. (New York: Peter Lang, 1994).
13) Donald Tritt, ed. Swiss Festivals in North America. (Chicago: Swiss American Historical Society, 1995).

14) Konrad Basler, The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States - A Personal Report. Translated by Laura Villiger. (New York: Peter Lang,1996).
15) Hafis Bertschinger, With a Horse Called George Along the Oregon Trail. (Pocatello, Idaho: Idaho State University Press, 1996).
16) Gary K. Pranger, Philip Schaff (1819 – 1893), Portrait of an Immigrant Theologian. (New York: Peter Lang, 1997).
17) Andrea Boldt, Werner Enninger, and Delbert Gratz, eds., Mennonites in Transition: From Switzerland to America. Emigrant and Immigrant Experience. Anabaptist Documents. (Morgantown, Pennsylvania: Masthof Press, 1997).
18) Urspeter Schelbert, ed. and comp., SAHS Index 1965 – 1998. Vol. 33,3: SAHS Review. (Morgantown, Pennsylvania: Masthof Press, 1999).
19) Donald Tritt, ed., Swiss Festivals: A Resource Guide. (Morgantown, Pennsylvania: Masthof Press, 1999).
20) Carol Williams, By Wonders and By War - A Novel. (Morgantown, Pennsylvania: Masthof Press, 1999).

21) Leo Schelbert, ed., Switzerland under Siege, 1939 – 1945: A Neutral Nation’s Struggle for Survival. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press in cooperation with the American Swiss Foundation of New York, 2001).
22) Carol Williams, Brightness Remembered. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 200)1.
23) Ernest Albert Thürkauf, One Small Lifetime. Revised edition, ed. Ernest Thurston. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2003).
24) Lewis B. Rohrbach, Genealogical Research in Switzerland: An Introductory Guide. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2005).
25) Ernst Rüedi, The Ammann Family of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 1450-1950. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2005).
26) A Genealogy of the Othmar Ammann Genealogy. Ed. Margot Ammann Durrer. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2006).
27) Leo Lesquereux, Letters from America, 1853. Biography by Donald Tritt; translated by H. Dwight Page; edited by Wendy Everham. (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2006).

28) Jakob Otto Wyss (1846–1927), Postmaster in Klau, Letters from California. Pit Wyss and Paul Hugger, eds.; translation by H. Dwight Page. (Rockland, Maine: Picton Press, 2007).
29) Brigitte and Eugen Bachmann-Geiser, Amish - The Way of Life of the Amish in Berne, Indiana. (Rockland, Maine: Picton Press, 2009).
30) Susann Bosshard-Kälin, Westward: Encounters with Swiss American Women. Postscript by Leo Schelbert. (Swiss American Historical Society and Musée des Suisses dans le monde, 2010). German edition: Westwärts. Begegnungen mit Amerika-Schweizerinnen. (with 2 CDs). (Bern: eFeF Verlag, 2nd. edition 2010).
31) Konrad Basler, The Dorlikon Emigrants - Swiss Settlers and Founders in the United States: A Personal Report. Trans. by Laura Villiger, translator, expanded and ed. by Max Hilfiker. (Swiss American Historical Society, 2010).
[Special issue of SAHS Review 46, 3 (November 2010): 1–90.]

32) Philip Wilson, Arnold Guyot.
(Swiss American Historical Society, 2012 [?]).
33) Susann Bosshard Kälin and Leo Schelbert. Emigrant Paths: Encounters with 20th Century Swiss Americans.
(Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2013).
34) H. Dwight Page, The Swiss Presence in the History of Tennessee.
(Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2016).​
35) Manuel Menrath, Mission Sitting Bull: The Cultural Conquest of the Sioux and Their Varied Response.
(Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2016).
36) Susann Bosshard Kälin, Leo Schelbert and Heinz Nauer,
Einsiedeln Elsewhere: Immigrants and their Descendants in Louisville, Kentucky.
(Morgantown, PA: Swiss American Historical Society, 2018).
37) Albert Winkler, The Germans and Swiss at the Battle of the Little Bighorn 1876.
(Morgantown, PA: Swiss American Historical Society, 2018).
[Special issue of SAHS Review 54, 3 (November 2018): 1–103.]
38) Leo Schelbert, Switzerland Abroad: Historical Contours of a Nation's People Global Presence.
(Morgantown, PA: Swiss American Historical Society, 2019).​​​​

39) Annemarie Regez, Off to the Wild Wild West: Gummel, Franz, and Konrad Make Their Fortune with the Chuchichäschtli.
Translated by Susanna Masoero; Photos by Esther Michel. (Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2024).
40) Richard Hacken, Helvetic Heights: A Human History of the Swiss Alps. (Morgantown, PA: Masthof Press, 2025).