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SAHS Review

Contents - 2010


ISSUE 1 (February) 


Page, H. Dwight, "A Special Tercentennial Invitation."
Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p1-7. 
Abstract: The article announces the pending Tercentennial Special International Meeting to be hosted by the Swiss American Historical Society on December 11, 2010 in New Bern, North Carolina.


Winkler, Albert, "The Battle of Murten: The Invasion of Charles the Bold and the Survival of the Swiss States."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p.8-34.


Abstract: When Charles the Bold of Burgundy tried to create a new kingdom between France and the German Empire, he decided to conquer the Swiss states. His aggression started the Burgundian Wars from 1474 to 1477. When he besieged the fortress of Murten, the Swiss rallied all their forces to attack him. In the subsequent battle, the Swiss infantry destroyed Charles' army in one of the most significant victories in history because it saved Switzerland and changed military tactics in Europe.


Fair-Schulz, Axel, "Golo Mann: A Literary Historian."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p35-39. 


Abstract: A biography is presented for the German literary historian Golo Mann. Introductory comments are given highlighting Mann's contributions to the art of historiography in regards to both scholastic research and literary composition. Several periods of Mann's life are described, including his childhood, his political exile during the Nazi regime of the 1930s and 1940s, and his post-war academic career as a historian.



[Film Review by Barry Maxfield] 

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p58-63. 


Gessner, Urs, "Karl Friedrich Meyer, 1884-1974."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p64-81. 

[Biographical Article] 

Abstract: A biography is presented for the Swiss American medical scientist Karl Friedrich Meyer. A preliminary overview of the Meyer family history is given. Several periods of Meyer's life are profiled including his youth and education in Basel, Switzerland, his international scientific career in South Africa and the United States, and his achievements in research on infectious diseases.


Jean René Bory 1928-2009.

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p82-83. 



"Forth-Sixth SAHS Annual Meeting Agenda."

"Forth-Sixth SAHS Annual Meeting Reports."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Feb2010, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p84-110. 

[Agenda, proceedings, and reports] 



ISSUE 2 (June) 


Page, H. Dwight, "An Update on the Tercentennial Meeting of SAHS in New Bern, 2010." Swiss American Historical Society Review. Jun2010, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p36-104. [Article] 


Freitag, Duane H., "From Dream to Reality: The Swiss Center of North America."
Swiss American Historical Society Review. Jun2010, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p5-35. 


Abstract: The article discusses the Swiss Center of North America, which is a cultural center that has been planned by the Swiss American Historical Society (SAHS). The idea was developed by Donald G. Tritt, who presented the idea at the group's 1998 annual meeting and the idea was further investigated, including the suggestion that the center be located in New Glarus, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Revenue secretary Cate Zeuske was, it is noted, enthusiastic about New Glarus as a location and promoted the idea. A brief history of Swiss immigration to Wisconsin beginning in the 19th century is included. Other topics include Wisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson, who supported the center's development, and the federal grants and fund-raising efforts to pay for the center.

Page, H. Dwight, "The Tercentenary of New Bern."
Swiss American Historical Society Review. Jun2010, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p36-104. 
Abstract: The article discusses the tercentenary and history of the founding of the city of New Bern, North Carolina, which was founded by Swiss immigrants and Baron Christoph de Graffenried in 1710. The founding of the British colony of Carolina via the Carolina Charter of 1663 is discussed as is the history of the officials who oversaw the colony, including the Lords Proprietors and the early laws that they enacted regarding freedom of worship and elections. The Tuscarora Indian War is considered as is de Graffenried's leadership of the New Bern colony, which was populated mainly by Swiss and Germans, cotton plantations in New Bern during the antebellum period, the Koonce family, the history of religion in North Carolina, taxation, and the American Revolution.



ISSUE 3 (November)


"Off to Carolina--No News from There."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p1-8. 


Abstract: The article presents a reprint of the book chapter "Off To Carolina -- No News From There," from the book The Darlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Report, by Konrad Basler. This chapter focuses on research carried out by the author concerning the experiences of Swiss immigrants to the U.S. from the village of Dorlikon, Switzerland (modern-day Thalheim an der Thur).


"Trans-Atlantic Crossings--Past and Present."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p9-18. 


Abstract: The article presents a reprint of the book chapter "Trans-Atlantic Crossings -- Past and Present," from the book "The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Report," by Konrad Basler. The article discusses the experiences of Swiss immigrants to the U.S. from the village of Dorlikon, Switzerland (modern-day Thalheim an der Thur), primarily focusing on the sea voyage between the two countries and developments in oceanic travel.


"Julia Beringer Huber."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p19-25. 


Abstract: The article presents a reprint of a chapter from the book The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Report, by Konrad Basler. The article discusses the author's visit to Milwaukee, Wisconsin while conducting research on Swiss immigrants to the U.S. from Dorlikon, Switzerland (modern-day Thalheim an der Thur). He was specifically seeking information on the life of Swiss emigrant Julia Beringer Huber.


"Epprecht's Crossing."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p26-34. 


Abstract: At Leo Schelbert's house in Evanston, Illinois, we looked through

those sources available at Leo's university library in which traces of the

Epprechts were most likely to be found. In the course of this process I

came across another Dorlikon ancestor, Ulrich Singer, a descendant of a

family doubly represented in the village's heraldic church window from



"Off to Pennsylvania."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p35-46. 


Abstract: A reprint of a chapter from the book The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Report, by Konrad Basler is presented. The article focuses on the research carried out by the author in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania concerning the lives of Swiss immigrants to the U.S. from Dorlikon, Switzerland. Much of the research dealt with a genealogical investigation into the author's family's past.

​"Columbus Day."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p47-60. 


Abstract: A reprint of a chapter from the book The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Report, by Konrad Basler is presented. The article discusses the author's efforts in researching the history of his family, who were Swiss immigrants to the U.S., mainly focusing on his experiences in Lititz, Pennsylvania. A history of the town is also provided.


​"Second Harvest."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p61-64. 


Abstract:  The article deals with the author's efforts in researching Swiss immigrants to the U.S. from Dorlikon, Switzerland. Primary focus is given to genealogical research on the Swiss-American Basler and Epprecht families.

​"Second Harvest: The State of Research 2007—An Update."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p65-77. 


Abstract: A reprint of a chapter from the book The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States: A Report, by Konrad Basler is presented. The article describes the genealogical research efforts undertaken by the author concerning the experiences of the immigrant Swiss Basler family in Switzerland and their voyage to the U.S.


Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p78-83. 

Abstract: An appendix is provided concerning the genealogy of the Basler and Epprecht families, Swiss immigrants to the U.S. from the village of Dorlikon, Switzerland.

​Schelbert, Leo, "P.S.: Konrad Basler’s Dorlikon Saga."

Swiss American Historical Society Review. Nov2010, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p84-90. 


Abstract: An afterword to the journal's reprint of various chapters of the book The Dorlikon Emigrants: Swiss Settlers and Cultural Founders in the United States, by Konrad Basler, is presented.





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