Promoting Swiss-American Studies since 1927
SAHS Review
Contents - 2004
Page, Dwight, Preface.
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2004, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p3.
Siber, Elizabeth M., "Experience and Enlightenment: Character Portrait in Letters of Johann Caspar Lohbauer."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2004, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p4-18.
Abstract: Presents a biographical sketch drawn from letters written between March 1856 and December 1862 by Swiss immigrant Johann Caspar Lohbauer, which depict his life as both an Iowa farmer and a Civil War soldier.
James W. Lowry, intro. and trans., Hans Landis: Swiss Anabaptist Martyr in Seventeenth Century Documents.
[Book Review by E. Morris Sider]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2004, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p19-21.
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2004, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p22-39.
[Minutes and Reports]
"Lukas F. Burckhardt, 1908-2003"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2004, Vol. 40 Issue 1, p40-45.
Tritt, Donald G., "Preface,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p3-4.
Schelbert, Urspeter, "Adelrich Steinach's Swiss Colonists: An Introduction,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p5-10.
Abstract: Provides a summary of Geschichte und Leben der Schweizer Kolonien in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika [History and life of the Swiss colonists in the United States of North America] (1889), compiled in the 1880's by Swiss American physician Adelrich Steinach. Steinach's work was meant to highlight the contributions of Swiss immigrants to US history, but it also illustrates nationalistic attitudes common in Europe in the 19th century.
Steinach, Adelrich, "Adelrich Steinach's Autobiographical Sketch,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p11-14.
[Autobiographical Sketch trans. Leo Schelbert]
Abstract: Provides a translation of Swiss American physician Adelrich Steinach's brief autobiography. Steinach explains that he came to the United States in 1855, set up a medical practice, and pursued scholarly endeavors that included writing System of the Organic Evolution (1886), wherein he argued in support of the theory of evolution.
Steinach, Adelrich, "Adelrich Steinach's 1889 Portrait of the Ohio Swiss,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p15-41.
[Essay trans. Leo Schelbert]
Abstract: Provides a translation of selected sections of Swiss American physician Adelrich Steinach's Geschichte und Leben der Schweizer Kolonien in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika [History and life of the Swiss colonists in the United States of North America] (1889), which pertain to the Swiss in several Ohio cities. Steinach's work highlights the role of the Swiss in their adopted communities - such as the establishment of singing societies, businesses, and festivals - while providing a glimpse of life in both 19th-century Europe and 1880's America.
Lee, Alfred E., "Samuel Strasser Rickly, Columbus,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p42-46.
[Biographical Article]
Abstract: Provides a biography of Swiss immigrant Samuel Strasser Rickly, focusing on his experiences in Columbus, Ohio, from 1847 to 1886. Rickly's contributions to Columbus were many and varied. His first years in Ohio were spent in education, where he established a German-English school, was principal of Columbus High School, and in 1849 founded Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio. He went into the banking business in 1857 and in 1875 founded Capital City Bank. He was a member of the Board of Trade and was involved in many business ventures, from toll roads to street railways.
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p47-52.
[Biographical Sketches]
Abstract: Provides biographies of four 19th-century Swiss immigrants to Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacques Ritchie (b. 1829) was appointed head of the Swiss Consulate for the 6th District of the United States in 1866 in recognition of his benevolent activities and business ventures. Johann Edward Frey (b. 1841) established a successful seafood store. Johann Anderegg (b. 1811) parlayed his experience as the son of a butcher into the Cincinnati firm of Anderegg & Roth, Beef Packers, while Johann Martin Henni (1805-81) was a traveling missionary, wrote a catechism for the children of German-speaking immigrants, and was an advocate for the teaching of English.
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Jun2004, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p53-64.
[Biographical Sketches]
Abstract: Provides vignettes on the lives of eleven Swiss immigrants to Cleveland, Ohio, in the latter half of the 19th century. They include Friedrich Muhlhauser, who established a successful reused wool factory and founded the Central National Bank, William Neracher whose fire extinguisher company opened branches in four locations and served much of the United States, and Johann Lendy who established the Cleveland Legal Blank and Bookbinding Company.
Page, H. Dwight, "Preface."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Nov2004, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p3-4.
Page, H. Dwight, "Introduction."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Nov2004, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p5-17.
Altpeter, Gerda, trans. Albert Moesle, "Beginning of the Reformation in Valais."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Nov2004, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p18-48.
Eric Till, Luther.
[Film Review by Edmund J. Campion]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Nov2004, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p49-52.