Promoting Swiss-American Studies since 1927
SAHS Review
Contents - 2003
Pfister, Hans Ulrich. "Swiss Migration to American in the 1730s. A Representative Family: The Pfister Family of Höri, Canton Zürich and the Feaster Family in America."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p3-22.
Abstract: Discusses Swiss migration to the United States in the 1730's, with specific reference to the Pfister family of Höri, Canton Zürich, providing brief biographical details about individual family members and their economic status in Europe and in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where the spelling of their name was changed to Feaster.
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p23.
"SAHS Business Meeting Agenda."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p24.
"SAHS Business Meeting Reports."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p25-48.
"Program for the Afternoon Meeting."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p49.
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p50-52.
"New Edition of a Dictionary for German Names."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p53-54.
[Bibliographic Information]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review. Feb2003, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p55-56.
[Bibliographic Information]
SPECIAL ISSUE: New Bern, North Carolina.
Page, H. Dwight, "Preface."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review.
Jun2003, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p3-4.
Rohrbach, Lewis Bunker, "The 1710 Swiss and German Settlers of New Bern, North Carolina."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review.
Jun2003, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p5-48.
Abstract: Presents historical data regarding the 752 German and Swiss immigrants who left Switzerland and England in 1710 to settle in New Bern, North Carolina. Information includes reconstructed passenger lists, the location of immigrant cabins, land sales, and descriptions of massacres during the Tuscarora Indian War (1711-13).
Campion, Edmund J., "Erasmus and Switzerland."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review.
Nov2003, Vol. 39 Issue 3, p5-30.
Arnold H. Price, My Twentieth Century: Recollections of a Public Historian.
[Book Review by Leo Schelbert]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review.
Nov2003, Vol. 39 Issue 3, p31-37.
Abstract: Reviews Arnold H. Price's 'My Twentieth Century: Recollections of a Public Historian' (2003), an autobiographical account of Price's life, including his historical interest in the Weimar Republic and Germanic warrior clubs, his work in the Office of Strategic Services and the Department of State from 1942 to 1960, and his career with the Library of Congress and the American Historical Association.
Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs, ed. and trans., Swiss Sisters Separated. Pioneer Life in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Washington 1889-1914. From the Letters of Luise Guillermim Dupertuis to her Sister Élise Guillermin, the Painter.
[Book Review by Leo Schelbert]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review.
Nov2003, Vol. 39 Issue 3, p38-41.
"Directory of Genealogical Services in Switzerland."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Review.
Nov2003, Vol. 39 Issue 3, p5-30.