Promoting Swiss-American Studies since 1927
SAHS Newsletter
Contents - 1988
ISSUE 1 (February)
Schelbert, Leo, "Prefatory Note."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p2. 1p.
"The Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the SAHS."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p3-9. 7p.
[Minutes and Reports]
Schmocker, Erdmann, "1887 Bern, Kansas 1987."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p10-16. 7p.
Walter A. Maggiolo, Techniques of Meditation.
[Book Review by Lukas F. Burckhardt]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p16-18. 3p.
Schelbert, Leo, "Meeting Fred Anderegg."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p20-22. 3p.
Anderegg, Fred, "On Becoming an Archaeological Photographer."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p23-51. 29p.
Ramljak, Suzanne, "Fred Anderegg: Of Course He’s on Edge. He’s a Second-Story Man."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p52-54. 3p.
Schelbert, Leo, "Titles Relating to Fred Anderegg: A Bibliographical Note."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1988, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p55-57. 3p.
[Short Bibliography]
ISSUE 2 (June)
Schelbert, Leo, [Prefatory Note].
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1988, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p2. 1p.
Angst, Walter, "From Zürich’s 'Therma' to Washington’s Smithsonian: Autobiographical Sketch of a Mid-Twentieth Century Swiss Immigrant."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1988, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p3-50. 48p.
ISSUE 3 (November)
Schelbert, Leo, "Prefatory Note."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1988, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p2. 1p.
Grob, John, "A Letter of Johann Grob of St. Imier to his Parents, Written in Jersey City on June 10, 1866."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1988, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p3- 5. 3p.
Jewett, Ruth Harbecke, "Zwischen Deutsch und Englisch: Bilingual Puns."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1988, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p6-16. 11p.
Castor, Richard J., "Memoir of the First International Gerster-Castor Reunion - Basel, Switzerland, 1987."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1988, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p17-26. 10p.
Angst, Walter, "New Heraldic Creations and My Fourteen-Point Ethical Code, with a List of Publications of Walter Angst."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1988, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p27-40.
[Article and Bibliography]