Promoting Swiss-American Studies since 1927
SAHS Newsletter
Contents - 1987
ISSUE 1 (February)
Schelbert, Leo. “Prefatory Note,”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1987, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p2. 1p.
Marianne Burkhard, Sylva Brunner and Selina Sutter, “The Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Swiss American Historical Society, October 30, 1982.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1987, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p3-8. 6p.
[Minutes and Reports]
Grendelmeier, Verena, “Media and Politics, or: Who Governs Switzerland?”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1987, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p9-29. 21p.
Grendelmeier, Verena, “Women in Swiss Politics.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1987, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p30-38. 9p
ISSUE 2 (June)
Schelbert, Leo. “Prefatory Note,”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p3. 1p.
Stratton, Olin W. “Come to a Celebration of the Swiss in America,”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p4. 1p.[Sesquecentennial Invitation]
J. Murray Luck. History of Switzerland. The First Hundred Thousand Years: Before the Beginnings to the Days of the Present.
[Book Reviews by Lukas Burckhardt and Ernest Menolfi]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p5-9. 5p.
Christian Pfister. Klimageschichte der Schweiz 1525-1860 (2 vols.)
[Book Review by Ernest Menolfi]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p10-11. 2p.
H. M. Waidson, ed. Anthology of Modern Swiss Literature.
[Book Review by Ernest Menolfi]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p12-14. 3p.
John L. Flood, ed. Modern Swiss Literature. Unity and Diversity.
[Book Review by Ernest Menolfi]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p14-15. 2p.
Gabriel Oggier, S.V.D. and Emilio B. Jullier. Historia de San Jerónimo Norte: Una colonia agricola-ganadera de inmigrantes suizos en la República Argentina (Vol. 1).
[History of San Jerónimo Norte: A Farming-Ranching Colony of Swiss Immigrants in the Republic of Argentina]
[Book Review by Sylva Brunner]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p16-22. 7p.
Béatrice Ziegler. Schweizer statt Sklaven. Schweizerische Auswanderer in den Kaffee-Plantagen von Saõ Paulo (1852-1866).
[Book Review by Sylva Brunner]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p23-30. 8p.
Eldon D. Weber. From Stambach to Berlin (Ontario) and the Descendants of Rev. John W. Stoeckle/Steckle 1802/1879.
[Book Review by Delbert Grätz]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p31-32. 2p.
Hedwig Rappolt, ed. and trans. An American Apprenticeship: The Letters of Emil Frey 1860-1865.
[Book Review by Shirley J. Burton]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p33-35. 3p.
Ron Koehler. Bern, Kansas. Memories of the First 100 Years.
[Book Review by Leo Schelbert]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p36-37. 2p.
Joseph J. Anderholt and Dorothy M. Andertholt. The History of the Imperial Valley Swiss.
[Book Review by Leo Schelbert]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p38-40. 3p.
Barbara Anderson-Sannes. Alma on the Mississippi 1848-1932.
[Book Review by Ernest Menolfi]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p40-42. 3p.
"Notes in Brief"
[Further Short Book and Article Reviews]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p43-46. 4p.
ISSUE 3 (November)
Schelbert, Leo, "Congratulatory Note [Arthur Davis Hasler]."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p2. 1p.
Hasler, Louise Thalmann, "Autobiography."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p4-21. 18p.
Hasler, Johannes, "Autobiography."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p22-31. 10p.
Dean, Henry A., "A Note on John Hasler."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p32. 1p.
Egerton, Frank N., "The Evolution of a Scholar and His School of Research: 'The Wisconsin Limnology Community - The Hasler Period'".
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p33-47. 15p.
Hasler, Arthur Davis, "Beyond National Concerns: A Limnologist and World Peace."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p48-49. 2p.
Hasler, Arthur Davis, "Salmon Research May Promote Peaceful Relations. From Lake Michigan to the Amur River."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1987, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p50-53. 4p.