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SAHS Newsletter

Contents - 1981


ISSUE 1 (February)

Burkhard, Marianne, “Letter from the President.”
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p2-3. 2p.

[Open Letter]

“In Memoriam Dr. Emil Oberholzer,”

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p4. 1p.


 Schelbert, Leo, Arnold H. Price and Elisabeth Schmid-Ackermann, “The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Swiss-American Historical Society.”
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p5-12. 8p.

[Minutes and Reports]

Waddell, Louis M., “The American Career of Henry Bouquet, 1755-1765.”
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p13-38. 26p.


Kohn, Walter S. G., Governments and Politics of the German-Speaking Countries.

[Book Review by Heinz K. Meier]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p39-40. 2p.

Martens, Wilfred, River of Glass.

[Book Review by Murray Communications]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p41-42 2p.

​​“Swiss American News Notes.”

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1981, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p43-44. 2p.

[News Updates]

ISSUE 2 (June)

Schelbert, Leo, and Heinz Karl Meier, "Letter from the Editors."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p2. 1p.


Burkhard, Marianne, "In Memoriam Corinne Honegger-Baumann." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p3-4. 2p.


Dein, Jane H.,  "Auguste Lambelet (1838-1919): A Soldier of Fortune." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p5-32. 28p.


Howard, Eugenia W., "Letter from Eugenia W. Howard." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p33-35. 3p.


Farnum, Bret, "Cliff Petersen’s Collection of U.S. Patent Models." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p36. 1p.

[Short Article]

Don Yoder, ed., Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786. Lists Consolidated from Yearbook of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society

Ricardo W. Stoudt, trans., Palatine Church Visitations, 1609. Deanery of Knusel. 

[Double Book Review by Leo Schelbert]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p37-38. 2p.

Steven M. Benjamin, ed., Occasional Papers of the Society for German American Studies,

No. 1: The German Canadians. A Working Bibliography

No. 2: A Select Bibliography on the Pennsylvania German Dialect

No. 3: Amish Bibliography 1951-1977

No. 4: A Bibliography of Works published in the Yearbook of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society

No. 5: The Wisconsin Germans: A Working Bibliography

No. 6: The Wisconsin Germans: A Working Bibliography

No. 7: The Michigan Germans: A Bibliography. 

No. 9: German-American Bibliography for 1979. With Supplements for 1971-1978.   

[Multi-Volume Review by Leo Schelbert]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p39-40. 2p.

"Swiss American News Notes." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1981, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p41-42. 2p.


ISSUE 3 (November)

Bross, Harvey E., "The Making of New Basel, Dickinson County, Kansas. Selected Documents." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p1-20. 20p.

[Article and Documents]

Bross, Harvey E., "The Founding of New Basel." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p1-6. 6p.


Bross, Harvey E., "Stories and Experiences of Early Settlers of Turkey Creek." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p7-10. 4p.


Hoffman, Christian B., "In Memoriam Michael Hoffman (b. 1908)."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p11-16. 6p.


Bross, Harvey E., "List of First Settlers of New Basel." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p17-18. 2p.


Roher, Leonard S., "Rabbit Trails and Our Parents’ Dreams: Two Poems." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p19-20. 2p.


Marthi Pritzker-Ehrlich, Michael Schlatter von St. Gallen (1716-1790), eine biographische Untersuchung zur schweizerischen Amerika-Auswanderung des 18. Jahrhunderts. Dissertation University of Zurich.

[Book Review by Leo Schelbert]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p21-22. 2p.

Erdmann Schmocker and Berchtold Weber, Altes Bern, neues Bern, ein Stadtbild im Wandel der Zeit. 

[Book Review by Samuel Laeuchli]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p23. 1p.

John Casparis and Edmund W. Vaz, Swiss Family, Society and Youth Culture.

[Book Review by Bruno Gujer]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p24-25. 2p.

Hans Syz, Of Being and Meaning

[Book Review by Christian D. Nøkkentved]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p26- 27. 2p.

Commission Nationale pour la publication de documents diplomatiques Suisses, Documents diplomatiques Suisse 1848-1945, Vol. 7 (1918-1920), part 1 (November 11, 1918 to June 28, 1919).

[Review by Heinz Karl Meier]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p28-31. 4p.

Klaus Anderegg, “Oberwalliser Emigration nach Ubersee im dritten Viertel des 19. Jahrhunderts: Ursachen und Stellungnahmen,” Schweizerisches Archiv fur Volkskunde 76 (Basel 1980), 176-196.

[Review by Leo Schelbert]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p32. 1p.

Hans O. Staub, “The Tyranny of Minorities,” Daedalus, 108 (Summer 1980), pp. 159-168.

[Review by Leo Schelbert]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p32-33. 2p.

Don Yoder, “Palatinate, Hessian, Dutchman: Three Images of the German in America, Ebbes fer Alle - Ebber ebbes fer Dich. Something for Everyone - Something for you." The Pennsylvania German Society 14 (1980), 107-129.

[Review by Leo Schelbert]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p33. 1p.

"Swiss American News Notes." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1981, Vol. 17 Issue 3, p34-35. 2p.

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