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SAHS Newsletter

Contents - 1969


ISSUE 1 (April)

Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Communications from the SAHS Secretary."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p1-4.

[Note from Secretary]

Meier, Heinz Karl, "Letter from the SAHS President: In Honor of Dr. Max Silberschmidt and Dr. Alfred Senn."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p5-8. 4p.

[Honorary Letter]

“The Swiss Community of Highland, Illinois: A Study in Historical Geography”, MA Thesis, Western Illinois University (1968).

[Book Review by Leo Schelbert and Norman C. Bettis] 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p9. 1p.

Brunner, Sylva, "Wilhelm Joos (1821-1900) and Swiss Emigration in the 19th Century."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p10-21. 12p.


Peter G. Bietenholz, History and Biography in the Work of Erasmus of Rotterdam.

[Book Review by Andreas Burckhardt]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p22. 1p.

"The Swiss American Historical Society in 1969: Goals, Membership, Officers." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p1-6. 6p.

[Appendix A - Reports]

"The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Reactivated Swiss American Historical Society, held in New York on December 27, 1968."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1969, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p1-9. 9p. 

[Appendix B - Minutes and Reports]

ISSUE 2 (December)

Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Letter from the SAHS Secretary."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec1969, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p1. 1p.

[Open Letter]

Sicherman, Barbara, "Adolf Meyer (1866-1950): Profile of a Swiss-American Psychiatrist." 

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec1969, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p2-14. 13p.


Syz, Hans, "Major Works By and About Adolf Meyer."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec1969, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p15. 1p.

[Bibliographic Notes]

Schelbert, Leo,"The Publications of Dr. med. Hans Syz: A Bibliography."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec1969, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p16-24. 9p.

[Bibliographic Article]

Schelbert, Leo, "The Swiss American Historical Society. Reprint from the International Migration Review, Vol. Ill, Summer 1969, 64-66."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec1969, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p1

[Appendix - Reprint Article]

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