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SAHS Newsletter

Contents - 1968


ISSUE 1 (June)

Burckhardt, Lukas F., "To the Members and Friends of the SAHS."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1968, Vol. 4 Issue 1, pI—III. 3p.

[Preface - Open Letter]

Kubly, Alphonse A., "Reminiscenses and Reflections. A Swiss Pioneer in Collier County, Florida, 1923-1926."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1968, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p1-10. 10p. 


Burckhardt, Lukas F., "The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Reactivated Swiss American Historical Society, held in

Washington, D.C., on October 21, 1967." Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1968, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p1-10. 10p.

[Appendix A - Report]

Meier, Heinz Karl., "Pages from the History of the New York Swiss Reprinted from Amerikanische Schweizer Zeitung, Jan. 24 and 31, 1968."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1968, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p1- 4. 4p. 

[Appendix B - Article]

ISSUE 2 (December)

Burckhardt, Lukas F., "To the Members and Friends of the SAHS."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. 

Dec1968, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p1-3. 3p.


"Eighteenth Century Migration of Swiss Mennonites to America. Reprint from the Mennonite Quarterly Review, 1968, 163-183 (part I) and 285-300 (part II)."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec 1968, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p3. 1p.

[Reprint - Review by Leo Schelbert]

Spezial Issue, “Willkommen in der Schweiz” of the N. Y. Staats-Zeitung u[nd] Herold of July 28th, 1968."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec 1968, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p3-4. 2p.

[Newspaper Review]

Kieser, Rolf., "Captain Henry Wirz and the Andersonville Trial.

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec 1968, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p4-12. 9p.


"A Raeto-Romance Language and Literature Course in Rumein, Surselva, Grisons, from June 24 to July 11,1969."

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec 1968, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p13. 1p. 


Man and His Images. A Way of Seeing. An Introduction to Art with 112 Color Plates.

[Book Review by Lukas F. Burckhardt  and Georgine Oeri]

Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Dec 1968, Vol. 4 Issue 2, p14-15. 2p.

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