Promoting Swiss-American Studies since 1927

Swiss American
Historical Society
The Swiss American Historical Society (SAHS) was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1927. It was established to promote the study of the Swiss in America, Swiss-American relations, and Swiss immigration to the United States. Between 1700 and 1914, around 500,000 Swiss people emigrated to Canada and the United States. The SAHS encourages American interest in Swiss history and culture, unites those involved in genealogical research, and serves as a link between Swiss, Swiss Americans, and North Americans in fostering cultural awareness and mutual understanding. Chapters of the Society exist in Switzerland and North America. We collaborate and partner with the Embassy of Switzerland and Consulates, along with Swiss Clubs and organizations. SAHS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
SAHS About Us One Page Handout (downloadable & printable)
Our journal, the SAHS Review is published three times a year.
We also publish books (typically one every year or two).
Each year, the Swiss American Historical Society's Leo Schelbert Award is given to the best undergraduate or graduate paper submitted about Swiss or Swiss-North American history.

The 62nd annual meeting will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2025 in New York City.
(Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN, 633 Third Avenue, 29th Floor, New York)
Our meetings typically take place in early to mid October. The 2026 meeting will be held in Washington, DC and the 2027 meeting will be held in Chicago, Illinois. Dates TBD.
The Swiss Chapter (Friends of the Swiss American Historical Society) will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, September 10, 2025 in Saint-Légier-La Chiésaz, Canton Vaud.

SAHS members in front of the Hall of History, Swiss Historical Village.
New Glarus, Wisconsin, October 15, 2023.

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To submit an article to the SAHS Review:
Editorial Board -

"Wir wollen sein ein einig Volk von Brüdern...."
"We intend to be a unified league of brothers...."